May 7, 2012

What They're Known For

I have found that after having children I have had the same conversations countless times. When I am not having the same conversation verbatim, I am at least discussing the same topic. The most frequently recycled conversations happen with strangers, the conversations about what is physically striking about Grayson and Lucy. At least once a week a stranger will tell me that he or she loves Grayson's haircut. I always respond the same, "We have no choice but to give him that haircut." The other day someone asked me, "Is your son the one with the hair? (while gesturing a straight line across her forehead to signify bangs)" Grayson is known for his straight locks. He always receives comments on his pouty lips and expressive nature. More frequently I receive comments about how liberal Lu is with her smiles. Seriously, the girl shows no discretion for smiling. I have one child who is very discerning when it comes to deciding what to validate with a smile or laugh, and the other who validates so often that I wonder if she has any standards for comedy at all. Lu has also received several comments about her eyebrows. She has been told a number of times that she has a good natural shape to her eyebrows. I am certain she is storing those compliments in her heart.

What are your kids known for?

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