July 2, 2013

Time of Reflection is Over

I have been on a blog hiatus, to say the least. I am not sure what happened to trip me up from posting. I think it was the culture of blogging that got the best of me. I don't really understand the world of blogging. Some blogs are so huge, and not with the intention of sounding rude, but I am not sure why.

What makes one blog more blog-worthy than the others? Are my daily thoughts, rambles, and activities less valuable if they are not viewed by thousands of eager readers each day? How big and deep of an issue is it if I find myself doing things simply so I can post them on the blog? As for that question, I refuse to do things simply for the posting.

For a time an onslaught of questions rattled through my brain and eventually paralyzed me from blogging. A blog can be a funny force, and sometimes it feels a little dangerous. I am going to rekindle my relationship with this blog, and hopefully I will be able to keep the questions that come from blog world at bay.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know the right answer to these questions but I know that since the beginning of time people have followed others. Some people deserve to be followed and others do not but have followers anyway. I think of my blog posts more as a collection of thoughts for myself and my friends and anyone who might be thinking or going through the same things as me. Good luck on your new start, I hope you end up enjoying it more and questioning it less. I also really like the new layout.
