March 20, 2012

College No More

This week is Hunger Games week. It seems like everywhere I turn I see a reference to The Hunger Games. I am surprised I am not burned out by all the hype. John and I had tickets to the midnight premiere. For weeks I have been excited about the premiere. My excitement was not only for the movie itself, but also for the crowds that come to premieres. I love crowd dynamics.

Last night, in the darkest hours of the night, as I was trying to coax Lucy to go back to sleep, it dawned on me that John and I were foolish to consider going to the premiere. Why intentionally give up sleeping during prime sleep hours? Would I actually be awake enough to enjoy the movie? The first thing I said to John in the morning was that I was thinking we needed to skip the premiere. My words felt like an admittance of defeat. Not only did I have to accept that I am too tired to add frivolous activities to my night, but I am also clearly not in college anymore. I know at least a dozen college students who are going to the premiere - with props to boot! The biggest concerns those folks have are if they can darken their room enough the next day to catch up on their sleep and if they are going to go to class. It's times like these I miss college. So many opportunities and so much energy to be random.

Do you miss college?


  1. Definitely. I miss staying up really late knowing I can sleep in another day. On the other hand, I've never been that good at staying up late. I've definitely started to accept my age and non-college status. But the spontaneity of college was wonderful. Sigh.

  2. I don't miss college. I'm not even sure why! I definitely had fun in college- but I just don't miss it. Will I miss it later? Is my life more conducive to spontaneity? hmmmm... I dion't htink I'm that spontaneous. Maybe spontaneity makes me nervous.
