December 5, 2011

Target the Ladies

This evening John and I took a trip to Target to pick up a few things sans Grayson. As much as I love our son, it is great to have the opportunity to stroll through a store without the risk of a meltdown. I was not exactly strolling through Target as much as I was waddling though, wondering just how close I was to delivering Lucy in the home decor section. As I waddled at a snail's pace, John and I ran into a few different people we know. I ran into someone I have not seen in years. It's embarrassing to run into someone I have not seen in years when I am in the state I am in: a big mass, barely moving, wearing the same dirty sweats I slept in last night. So much for making an impression that I have kept myself together over the years. The response to my somewhat disheveled appearance was, "Oh, and you are with baby!" For some reason I felt like a teen mom, or like I was an unfortunate pregnant woman. Oh well, I'll own it.

Target was buzzing with the masses and John posed the question about why women love Target so much. He asked what is so special about Target that brings women to it in droves. I did not have a clear answer, but it is true, the Target population tends to primarily be women (this is purely anecdotal evidence, of course). Sometimes I go to Target on a weekday and I am always surprised by the number of pregnant women or women with small babies cruising the aisles. I will see woman after woman, eyes somewhat glazed over, slowly pushing carts down each aisle. Sometimes it feels like it is "ladies day" at Target, but that would be silly because Target does not need to have such a gimmick to attract the gals.

I don't know the exact reason why Target draws so many women, but I do know that sometimes I feel an unspoken solidarity amongst the women at Target. Cheesy statement, and probably overly sentimental, but whatever. I have bonded with a number of women over the sales or clothing at Target. Even tonight, I had a couple of bonding moments. I spotted a cute shirt in a woman's cart and I commented that it was a good find. We chatted briefly about her good decision to purchase the top. Bonding moment. As I was making my way out the door a woman walked up next to me and asked, "Are you due any moment now?" I must have looked really rough by the end of our Target journey. When I answered, "Yes." The woman, biting her lip with enthusiasm, gave me a thumbs up, and said, "Best of luck!" Bonding moment.

I am a sucker for Target. I have found myself walking the aisles on days when I have nothing else to do. I am one of those women, but I am okay with it. It's all about solidarity, even if it is found on a sale rack.

*Image from

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