April 19, 2012

Can it Continue?

We are an Arrested Development household. We have watched every episode multiple times. It was definitely a show that ended before its time. When the reunion season and subsequent film were announced I was skeptical - I can't think of a tv reunion that has gone well or a successful tv show-turned-movie that has been good - but I am eager to see what the writers come up with. Will the comedy be the same? Arrested Development was unique in its comedy style. Hopefully it can hold on to its original voice and not gravitate to the comedy style that dominates shows right now.

Yesterday it was announced that all season 4 episodes will be released at once on Netflix. I think we may need to reinstate our Netflix account for a week. Here is a humorous ad for those who are anxiously awaiting season 4.

Side note: I am fascinated how our interpretation of comedy and how comedic writing changes over the years. If I had no financial obligations, I would study this trend more. Here is a clever example of how tv shows and how we respond to humor have changed (Thanks to Morgan for contributing this clip. She is a major contributor to this blog. She is so Internet hip). I am so happy the laugh track has been removed from tv shows. There are a few shows that currently use the track. I can't handle it.

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