April 24, 2012

What Endears Me

I wish I had my camera on me at all times. Grayson and Lu have some of the funniest moments together. I love watching them communicate. So many giggles and sequels. I love how much they love each other. Grayson can put a smile on Lu's face like no one else. I pray that they will continue to grow together as close siblings. I really hope they will be good friends.

The other night Grayson tried to show Lu how to brush her non-existent teeth.


  1. you are right - this is SO endearing! I wish I could see more of Lucy's reaction in the video, but it is so fun to hear them laugh. Jeez, Grayson is such a ham bone!

  2. I love how much he makes her laugh!!! They are hysterical!
