February 27, 2012

Simply Speaking

Recently I chatted with a 15-year-old who is having a tough time getting older. She is enjoying high school but she admitted missing her younger years, when things were a little simpler, when she was more naive to the world. It was endearing to listen to this young girl talk about missing her childhood. I could relate to so much of what she said. I think what I miss most about childhood is the anticipation for all that could happen. I have already covered the major milestones I daydreamed about as a child: high school, college, my wedding, having kids. Now I am in a phase of life that does not allow for much daydreaming and idle time. So much of the anticipation I felt as a child is gone.

This past weekend my mom and I took Grayson swimming. While we were in the pool I thought about how much I loved spending time in swimming pools as a child. I loved the feel of the water. I loved diving under the water, swimming around. I can't remember the last time I played in a pool. I can't remember the last time I rode a bike just for the ride. I can't remember the last time I watched TV at a friend's house, with nothing else I needed to do. I want to bring back some of the simplicity of childhood. Adulthood is not bad; it's just different from childhood. John and I always remind each other to appreciate the phase of life we are in now, because we know a couple of decades from now we will look back longingly at how simple - albeit chaotic - this time was.

To childhood simplicity!

What were your favorite childhood simplicities?

Photos from Pinterest


  1. You're so right. I think part of what makes adulthood so hard (aside from the stresses of money, etc.) is that the "better" things in life seem so far away (retirement for me!). You don't have the anticipation of getting your drivers license, going to high school, etc.
    Even having a job you like as an adult gets often bogged down with so many unpleasurable things.
    Maybe I need to develop some other milestones to daydream about...

  2. This is a great post, Shannen, and I love the pictures you chose.
